Refund Policy

Supplicart is the online supplement platform that helps you reach out to the right store. The website aims to inform and educate readers on various health and wellness topics, but Supplicart doesn’t claim the generosity of the product. So, the consumer is completely responsible after making the purchasing decision. They have to agree to the vendor’s refund policy. 

Supplicart is a medium that provides an organized system for consumers to take the right supplement from the right store. The website acknowledges that all trademarks, registered trademarks, and service marks mentioned on the website are the property of their respective owners. 

Supplicart is an independent source that tries to give the right information based on product description, and we are unbiased from the vendor and consumer side. The publishers of the website and its content do not take responsibility for any adverse health outcomes or injuries resulting from following advice or recommendations found on the website. The website provides information and resources to assist individuals in making informed decisions about their health, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. So, if the consumer finds any fault in the product, they need to contact the respective vendors of the products.